Monday, May 21, 2012

The Fun in Bathing a Horse!!

Guess what Star did just a few days ago!! I was giving her a bath at the stables A.K.A Barn, and I just found out that she "hated" them. When I was washing her back, she decided it was a good time to start swishing her tail ALOT! Water kinda like, splashed everywhere! Ahh! It was SO much fun!!

Anyone else that experienced a fun bath with their horse?? :D

Saturday, May 19, 2012


This is the new blog, i'll be managing based on what's REALLY going with Star and me. The other blog (Pinkrose Academy) was based on a book i wrote.Believe me, Star did some of the CUTEST things that I'll explain to you all in a post on Monday! OMG! I CAN'T wait!! Any of you guys have a horse? Tell me all about it! :)